Table Mountain and Lions Head are two peaks on opposite ends of the mountain. How can you get to their summits?


  • Hiking?

  • Biking?

  • Walking?

  • Cable Car

Many hikers enjoy hiking because it's unpredictable, but many prefer not to use cable cars.

Cable cars are generally safer and faster than hiking, biking or walking. And provide a less dynamic view at the top–but they’re also easier, so people tend to get bored more quickly than while climbing mountains like Table Mountain and Lions Head in Cape Town South Africa

So, do you prefer hiking, walking or biking or Cable car?

Think about the immediate and long-term goals for your trip.

1: Safety on Table Mountain

Cable cars may offer the safest, most comfortable form of transportation.

2: Adventure Hiking Table Mountain

If your priority is adventure, Hiking on Table Mountain or biking on Lions Head might serve you better.
