Table Mountain Rescue Helicopter: The feats of the real-life hero as described.

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We caught the Table Mountain helicopter rescue squad practicing their drills, and we stole the rare opportunity to ask a team member a few questions.

Good to know

  • Q: What is your availability?

  • A: We are available 24 hours a day, all day, all year.

  • Q: What do I do if I need to be rescued from the mountain?

  • A: Call 112 or 021 937 0300

Table Mountain Rescue helicopter crew is one such what they do is truly incredible.

Q: Why is this important for you?
A: Because we have to help the people who get hurt on the mountain.

Q: How often in season do you have to rescue people from the mountain?
A: 3-4 times a week.

Q: What are the most common reasons you’re called to rescue people?
A: We are called mostly for people who are stuck on a cliff. Secondly, for broken ankles.

Q: What about alcohol-related injuries? 
A: We have very little incidents of alcohol-related injuries - less than 1%. It’s hard to come up a mountain when you’re drunk.

Q: Which mountain range do you have the most rescues? 
A: It’s really the busiest routes. For instance, Platteklip Gorge trail is easy, but people twist their ankles, they may have heat stroke, heart attacks, strokes and they also have medical conditions. It happens wherever you are in the world, and the more people here, the more often it happens. 


In today's world, the type of person who is hailed as a hero tends to be someone with a dramatic flair—a firefighter rescuing people from burning buildings or police officers stopping dangerous criminals.

In addition to firefighters and other well-known rescuers, there are many lesser known heroes who risk their lives every day to save others. Our very own Table Mountain Rescue helicopter crew is one such group—and what they do is truly incredible.

We hope that by drawing attention to their labor, we can help raise awareness of the vital role they play in our community.
