Cape Town | South Africa | Table Mountain | The Fight Over Table Mountain Water:

Nature and Power

The Cape’s first war was fought over water. Too much of it flowing down the Table Mountain. A hike on Table Mountain will introduce you to some popular underground rivers and water falls.

At least 4 underground rivers flow through Table Mountain, and there are 36 streams that emerge on the surface. A popular misconception is that the water for the giant spouts of Table Mountain comes primarily from rainfall on the mountain. 

This is not true. In fact, only about 35% comes from rainwater, the remaining 65% comes from seeping groundwater or aquifer below the mountain. This is why so many pools lie beneath the mountain - pools that are always refilling with water no matter how much we use.

“The city is harvesting 277-million litres a month. And that’s straight from Table Mountain

In the early 1800s, a fight over water rights was one of the sparks that helped ignite an explosive conflict between Dutch settlers and indigenous Khoi Khoi communities. 


Anyone who has been on the Table Mountain hiking trails the summer season, knows that the water level is often too low to fill up their bottles. Water refilling stations are few and far between, so it can be difficult to stay hydrated.

Hiking to Waterfalls with Muki Venture - a 50-minute hike to three private waterfalls within the Table Mountain Reserve. Muki Venture also offers two-hour waterfall hikes at various locations to suit your requirements.

Muki Ventures is run by a team of accredited guides with above 10 years of experience in adventure tourism, Mountain Biking, nature conservation and in hiking. They pay close attention to detail so you can experience the best Table Mountain has to offer.

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underground rivers table mountain, the cape, capetown, cape town, my capetown, water collection, water harvesting, water storage, water cycle in cape town


  1. I would highly recommend Muki Venture, the guided hike on Table Mountain to anyone visiting Cape Town. Your expertise made it a very clear and fun experience!


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