Cape Town | South Africa | Table Mountain | Skeleton Gorge Steps The Untold Story


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Explore the Skeleton Gorge on Table Mountain I Cape Town-South Africa and waterfall! Do a scheduled tour with an accredited tour guide Muki Venture to view table mountain.

Is this your first time hiking in Skeleton Gorge?

Skeleton Gorge trail is one of the most accessible and scenic hiking trails in all of Table Mountain National Park? If so, you might be wondering if you're prepared. Well let me tell you, as a fully accredited guide with over 15 years of experience, I'm here to ensure that you have an unforgettable experience.''

hiking from the bottom of skeleton gorge to the top of table mountain or feeling the water fall on your face, these are just a few unforgettable experiences in and around cape town.

Skeleton Gorge Trail And What To expect

The Hike on Skeleton Gorge wooden steps on Table Mountain is a difficult but rewarding hike,

The Hike is a historical climb that offers a different experience. The trail connects the bottom and top of the mountain.

On a forested route from the wooden step waterfall through to the skeleton gorge and up to the top of this iconic mountain, you'll gain valuable insight about the flora, fauna and geology of this area.

It takes a considerable degree of physical fitness to conquer Skeleton Gorge Most hikers attempt to tackle the trail in four to six hours, thus allowing time to soak in the view at the top.

The climb up the steps from the bottom to the top of Table Mountain offers a different experience every time you take it. As it is not a set trail for any particular time, each day takes on a different form 

Point Of Interest on Skeleton Gorge

As you're walking on this trail you could see the historical path where men used to mine for precious minerals. But as time flew by their venture dwindled. 

Today it's just a memory. But great efforts were made in getting there and now it can only be remembered by those who used to mine there and people who pass through. 

It's famous because of the steps used to walk in going up on the other side of the mountain. Many get tired climbing up so many stair but it always ends well at the top of the mountain.


The trip to Skeleton Gorge is one that should be taken by all adventurers who happen to be visiting Cape Town. It takes you on a six-hour hike up Table Mountain, allowing you insight into the past as well as an awesome view of the present. Table Mountain is not a normal mountain: it is the flattest mountain in the world, with a height of 1085m (3510 ft) above sea level and an area of 60 square kilometers (23 sq mi).


WHATSAPP  +27 71 175 1066


Table Mountain, Cape Town, Table Rock, The Mother City, the mountians, the best hikes in cape town, hiking trails in cape town, hiking table mountain, best hikes around cape town, hike to top of table mountain, hiking to skeleton gorge cape town


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